Reverse Sneezing in Dogs in Cooper City, FL: Causes and What to Do

Reverse Sneezing in Dogs in Cooper City, FL: Causes and What to Do

Reverse sneezing is predominantly observed in dogs in Cooper City and rarely seen in cats. It can be a bit disturbing if you have never seen your dog do this before. Reverse sneezing is also referred to as “backward sneezing,” and fortunately, there are things you can do to help stop it.

Reverse sneezing in dogs in Cooper City, FL

What is Reverse Sneezing in Dogs in Cooper City, FL?

Reverse sneezing is characterized by rapid and repeated forced inhalation through the nose. A dog will typically stand still, extend the head and neck, and make snorting or honking sounds. Some people mistake it for a fit or seizure, but it is a spasm of the soft palate.

This sneezing can last for up to a minute or so, and it is not harmful. Once the dog exhales through the nose, reverse sneezing usually stops. Reverse sneezing commonly occurs while the dog is asleep or upon waking from a long nap. Some dogs experience this after exercising or eating.

What Triggers Dog Reverse Sneezing in Cooper City, FL?

There are a plethora of triggers attributed to reverse sneezing in dogs, including:

Nasal Mites

Live mites can actually reside in your dog’s nose and cause sneezing, reverse sneezing, nose bleeds, facial itching, and head shaking.


Allergies are common in dogs in Cooper City. Your dog could be allergic to food, parasites, or environmental allergens, which can cause reverse sneezing in your dog.

Irritants in the Nose

Objects that float through the air, such as dust, dander, and pollen cause irritation and can cause dog reverse sneezing.

Drainage of Discharge

This can be caused by a runny nose and is a result of nasal or upper respiratory infections.

Bacterial Infections

The most common bacterial infection in a dog’s lungs is due to pneumonia.

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections can cause breathing difficulties and is caused by an excess of the P.carinii fungus in the respiratory system.

Masses in the Upper Airway

If your dog has masses in their upper airway, this can lead to problems with inhalation and exhalation.

Lengthened Soft Palate

Symptoms of lengthened soft palates in dogs include difficulty breathing, noisy breathing, snoring, and coughing.

Lower Airway Infection

These type of infections can affect the lungs and cause labored breathing.


Some dogs in Cooper City begin to reverse sneeze when they get all worked up or overexcited about something.

Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are growths on your dog’s nasal passage and can cause reverse sneezing.

Eating or Drinking Too Quickly

Consuming food too quickly or eating very large meals can cause nasal irritation, which can lead to reverse sneezing in your dog.

Respiratory Infection

These are infections of your dog’s respiratory tract like sinusitis or rhinitis.

Exercise Intolerance

Some dogs in Cooper City do not like strenuous exercise and may begin reverse sneezing if you take them for any taxing physical activity.

Are There Specific Dog Breeds More Prone to Reverse Sneezing in Cooper City, FL?

Reverse sneezing can occur in any dog. However, it is more commonplace in certain breeds. The group of a breed that is primarily associated with reverse sneezing is called the Brachycephalic dog breed.

Brachycephalic dog breeds that are more prone to reverse sneezing include:

  • Affenpinschers
  • American Bulldogs
  • Boston Terriers
  • Boxers
  • Brasileiros
  • Brussels Griffons
  • Bullmastiffs
  • Cane Corsos
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
  • Chow Chows
  • Dogos Argentinos
  • Dogues de Bordeaux
  • English Bulldogs
  • English Toy Spaniels
  • French Bulldogs
  • Japanese Chins
  • Lhasa Apsos
  • Mastiffs
  • Neapolitan Mastiffs
  • Newfoundlands
  • Pekingese
  • Pugs
  • Shar Pei
  • Shih Tzu
  • Staffordshire Bull Terriers
  • Tibetan Spaniels

Reverse sneezing is more prevalent in these particular dog breeds. When a dog has an elongated soft palate, it renders them more susceptible to nasal irritants. Their shortened nasal passages put them at increased risk for acquiring certain conditions.

What to Do if Your Dog is Reverse Sneezing in Cooper City, FL

You can try to shorten the period in which your dog is reverse sneezing by doing the following:

Gently Massage Your Dog’s Throat

Most irritation is caused by irritation in the nasal passages. Gently massaging your dog’s throat can soothe them and help ease discomfort.

Blow Short Puffs of Air into Your Dog’s Face

This blowing can sometimes break up the repetition of reverse sneezing in dogs. Blow softly, so your pup is more comfortable.

Take Your Dog into the Fresh Air

Some dogs in Cooper City will reverse sneeze in response to irritants in the air. If your house is smoky or dusty, you should try to get them outside.

Reassure Your Dog that the Reverse Sneezing Will End Soon

Speak softly and sweetly to your dog to reassure them that the episode will end shortly. Keep the environment calm, and your dog will feel safe.

Wait Patiently for Your Dog to Stop Reverse Sneezing

Sometimes it is best to allow the episode to play out naturally, especially if your dog has experienced this before.

Reverse sneezing may be irritating for your dog, but it is not dangerous. If the pup continues to have episodes of reverse sneezing, try recording it on your phone to show your veterinarian in Cooper City, FL. The video will help your vet see what your dog is doing.

Can I Prevent My Dog From Reverse Sneezing in Cooper City, FL?

Below are some things you can do to try and help prevent your dog from reverse sneezing:

  • Avoid using cleaning products that have strong or pungent odors
  • Keep windows shut, keep the air conditioning on in the home, and clean and replace air filters
  • Do not smoke, use candles or air fresheners
  • Maintain regular vet appointments, as your vet may have ideas to prevent your dog from reverse sneezing altogether

These suggestions may make it easier to seek possible solutions. These tips can be helpful, as there is no particular treatment for reverse sneezing in dogs. Apply these tips, and you might prevent your dog from experiencing discomfort.

Contact Us if Your Dog is Reverse Sneezing in Cooper City, FL

Reverse sneezing is a common respiratory occurrence in dogs in Cooper City. Certain breeds are more vulnerable to reverse sneezing than others. In dogs that demonstrate reverse sneezing, it is not unusual for them to have repeat episodes during their lives.

If you notice that your dog is reverse sneezing, contact our team at Embassy Lakes Animal Hospital by calling us at (954) 432-5811 or scheduling an appointment. While this condition isn’t considered an emergency, it’s important to find the underlying cause should your pet need treatment. Whether this behavior is caused by allergies or other factors, we’ll make sure your dog gets the care they need.

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